The Fortress of Tureta is the most significant fortress in Kornati National Park, dating all the way back to the Byzantine period. The fortress is located on Kornat Island and probably dates from the 6th century, when it was presumably built for military purposes (for protecting the shores and monitoring navigation in this part of the Adriatic Sea).
In the 6th century, judging by everything, the fort Tureta was built on the hill above Tarac, and its garisson ensured safe navigation in the Kornat Channel. Tureta is the only fort from that period that was not destroyed, obviously because it was built at a location where there was no settlement, and the population did not reach for its stones. The fort is in a neglected state today. At the foot of the hill, and it seems at the same time, the church of St. Mary was built in the area between the small cove and the field. The answer as to which is older, the church or the fort, or whether they were perhaps built at the same time, has not been offered yet.